Sunday, March 15, 2009


I have been such a bad blogger. I've had a lot on my plate lately and have really just been uninspired to blog, post, create or any of the sorts. Tomorrow they finally start on my son's bathroom. I can't wait to see all the white walls and everthing else white gone. What sucks is that I have to pay it all off before I can do my bathroom so guess what that means. NO MORE SCRAPBOOK SHOPPING FOR ME... Aghhhh.

It's ok though because I haven't scrapped anything in a long time. My creative juices are defenitely not flowing. Do you know what the problem is? My room is too organized and I don't want to make a mess. Isn't that rediculous? I think it is...
I have been buying, planning and organizing all the things I will be doing in my son's room to turn into a Star Wars themed room. Not too over the top but a couple of pieces that make the room "Star Wars". Check out this alarm clock I found that D's wonderful Godmother is buying him. What a lucky kid. She even found some great prints that she's having framed for the room. Talk about enabling me. She's actually been the one to find some great things for his room. I'm starting to prime the walls today because I can't do it all in one day. There aren't enough hours in the day. He'll just be surprised next Sunday when he sees it all put together.

Guess what he wants as a present?

Yes, my soon to be 10 year old wants a flat screen T.V. Mind you, I don't have one or will I have one until the end of the year because I need a wall unit along with my T.V. Yes, I'm whinning. I told him he had to pay for it with his own money so mister smarty pants asked everyone for money. I think it's great because he really doesn't play with toys.

I bought him too many things for Christmas so I saved some cool stuff for his birthday. I think he'll really like it.

It's a really long post but since I probably won't be posting for another week so so I'll just fill you in on other news. My grandmother is in the hospital again for respiratory problems and a urine infection. Poor woman has been through so much but she's a fighter and I'm sure she'll get through this as well. It's so hard to see her so helpless. I don't think she realizes what's going on anymore. She doesn't know my name anymore and it kills me but I'm grateful for all the wonderful years I had with her so I'll just stay by her side until God takes her to Heaven.

Also, I've been very proactive with my health and actually started going to the Dr. regularly to get everything checked out. So far so good but they did have some concerns with my ovaries so I had to get a biopsy. The results should be in next week so please pray for me that everything is negative because I'm a bit worried about that. Well, not a bit, I'm scared as heck...

I'll leave you with the cutest bag from Elsie that I'm so in love with for the summer. I put it on mental wishlist.

Just checked her site and it's sold out... I hope she brings more in....

Well peeps, have a wonderful week and I promise to post pictures of the completed bathroom, D's room and if I ever do a layout, I'll share it too. Peace Out...


Sharon said...

Wish the best for your grandma, and hope it all goes well with your biopsy report. Can't wait to see D's finished room! Have a good week!!!

Maritza said...

I think its OK to have down time. Focus your attention on the other stuff,i.e. Ds room, grandma, life. When you are ready scrapbooking will be there waiting. At least that's what I tell myself. I 2nd everything Sharon said. Have a good week.

Margie said...

Hi chiqui. I'm with you on the bad blogger thing. I think I wore myself out with the whole february thing. My little mind can only take so much! About your grandma, I'm praying for her. God willing, it will all turn out well like she has in the past. BTW, love the alarm clock, esa comadre esta de madre! You go! Love you!

JoAnn V. ( said...

Now that I'm blogging more often - you're not! *lol*

I hope everything is ok with your grandmother. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...

Your son's room is coming together! I love the Star Wars theme!

I can't wait to see more layouts from you! :)

Vanessa, Florida, USA said...

I'm dying to see the finished room!!! I think he's really gonna like the poster frames :-) I love you guys!!! Oh, that Elsie bag is super cute!

Laina Lamb said...

Did you know Creative Imagainations is coming out with Star Wars scrap stuff? I'm going to have to hide it from my boys!

Dayami said...

Hey chickie! I pray that you are doing good as well as your grandma, let me know please.
I know exactly what you mean about not wanting to mess up the room. But you know what I did, I opened up Donna Downey's blog and clicked on one of her very messy work area pics and that totally inspired me to "create" my own mess ahhaahha
So no more of that, CREATE WOMAN!!!